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Home  >   >  Border Times

208 pages.
Without taxes: 13,37€
Taxes included: 13,90€
Age: 12+
14.5 x 21 cm

Border Times

Author:  Bernat Romaní

Magalí has no interest in doing a cross-border route through the Pyrenees. David gets tired and wants someone to carry his rucksack for him all the way. And of the mysterious Jacob, no one knows anything about him. An incident leads the three of them to become fugitives from the wars of the 20th century. They will not be the first to be chased along the paths between Cerdanya and Capcir. And it will be up to them whether they prefer to help or be helped. An adventure novel set in the present, the Civil War and the Second World War, that using flashback as a resource, crosses all kinds of frontiers.

Other titles in the series

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