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Young Readers

  • Black and white interior illustrations which accompany the text and enrich the reading experience.
  • Suitable text for the age indicated.
  • Brief author and illustrator biographies, including the website of the author and illustrator, whenever possible.
  • Age recommendations.
  • Indication of the book’s subject matter.
  • Semi-rigid cover with printed flyleaf.

The catalogue is available here.

Page  1 out of 7

My Superlorry

Elena O'Callaghan i Duch

The Customs

Josep Muñoz Redón


Miquel Ribas

Laia and the Wind

Nathalie Pons

Bruna and Block B

Maria Enrich

Vertical Stories

Alegria Julià
Editorial Casals, SA
Casp, 79, 08013 Barcelona
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